LPIC-1 Objectives V3(ES)
- 1 Introduccion
- 2 Informacion de Version
- 3 Addenda
- 4 Traduccion De Objetivos
- 5 Objectivos: Examen 101
- 5.1 Tema 101: Arquitectura del sistema
- 5.2 Tema 102: Instalación de Linux y Administración de Paquetes
- 5.3 Tema 103: Comandos GNU y Unix
- 5.3.1 103.1 Trabajar en la linea de comandos
- 5.3.2 103.2 Procesar flujos de texto usando filtros
- 5.3.3 103.3 Realizar administración de archivos basica
- 5.3.4 103.4 Usar flujos, tuberias y redirecciones
- 5.3.5 103.5 Crear, monitorizar y matar procesos
- 5.3.6 103.6 Modificar las prioridades de ejecución de los procesos
- 5.3.7 103.7 Buscar en archivos de texto usando expresiones regulares
- 5.3.8 103.8 Realizar operaciones básicas de edición de archivos usando vi
- 5.4 Tema 104: Dispositivos, Sistemas de archivos Linux, Estándar de jerarquía del Sistemas de Archivos
- 5.4.1 104.1 Crear particiones y sistemas de archivos
- 5.4.2 104.2 Mantener la integridad de los sistemas de archivos
- 5.4.3 104.3 Controlar el montaje y desmontaje de sistemas de archivos
- 5.4.4 104.4 Administrar cuotas de disco
- 5.4.5 104.5 Administrar propietarios y permisos de archivos
- 5.4.6 104.6 Crear y cambiar enlaces duros y simbolicos
- 5.4.7 104.7 Encontrar archivos de sistema y colocar archivos en su correcta ubicación
- 6 Objetivos: Exámen 102
Este es un examen requerido para la Certificación LPI Nivel 1 o LPIC-1. En este exámen se cubren las habilidades básicas para un Profesional Linux que que son comunes en todas las distribuciones Linux.
This page covers the currently released objective for the LPIC-1 certification.
Informacion de Version
Estos objetivos son para la version 3.0.2.
Addendum (Apr 1st, 2009)
- dropped X Font Server coverage to awareness level in 106.1 key knowledge area
Addendum (Jan 1st, 2009)
- add TZ env variable to 107.3 partial file list
- add .bash_history to 103.1 to key terms list
Traduccion De Objetivos
Las siguientes traducciones de objetivos estan disponibles en esta wiki:
Objectivos: Examen 101
Tema 101: Arquitectura del sistema
101.1 Determinar y configurar parámetros del hardware
Peso | 2 |
Descripcion | Los candidatos deberán de ser capaces de determinar y configurar el hardware básico. |
Areas clave de Conocimiento:
- Habilitar y deshabilitar periféricos integrados.
- Configurar el sistema con o sin periféricos externos como teclado.
- Diferenciar entre dispositivos de almacenamiento masivo.
- Establecer correctamente el ID de hardware para diferentes dispositivos, especialmente dispositivos de arranque.
- Conocer las diferencias entre dispositivos coldplug y hotplug.
- Determinar recursos de hardware para los dispositivos.
- Herramientas y utilerias para listar información diversa de hardware (e.g. lsusb, lspci, etc.)
- Herramientas y utilerias para manipular dispositivos USB
- Entendimiento conceptual de sysfs, udev, hald y dbus
La siguiente es una lista de archivos, términos y utilerías usadas:
- /sys
- /proc
- /dev
- modprobe
- lsmod
- lspci
- lsusb
101.2 Arrancar el sistema
Peso | Los candidatos deberán de ser capaces de guiar el sistema durante el proceso de arranque. . |
Descripción | 3 |
Àreas de Conocimiento Clave:
- Proveer de comandos comunes al cargador de arranque y opciones al kernel al arranque del sistema.
- Demostrar conocimiento de la secuencia de arranque desde el BIOS hasta completar el arranque.
- Revisar eventos relacionados al arranque en los archivos de bitacora.
La siguiente es una lista de archivos, términos y utilerías usadas:
- /var/log/messages
- dmesg
- bootloader
- kernel
- init
101.3 Cambiar los niveles de ejecución, apagar o reiniciar el sistema
Peso | 3 |
Descripción | Los candidatos deberán de ser capaces de administrar los niveles de ejecución del sistema. Estos objetivos incluyen cambiar al modo usuario individual (single user), apagar o reiniciar el sistema. Los candidatos deberán de ser capaces de alertar a los usuarios antes de cambiar el nivel de ejecución o terminar procesos apropiadamente. Estos objetivos también incluyen la configuración del nivel de ejecución predeterminado. |
Areas de Conocimiento Clave:
- Establecer el nivel de ejecución predeterminado.
- Cambiar entre niveles de ejecución incluyendo el modo usuario individual (single user).
- Apagar o reiniciar el sistema desde la linea de comando.
- Alertar a los usuarios antes de cambiar el nivel de ejecución o de algún otro evento de sistema mayor.
- Terminar procesos apropiadamente.
La siguiente es una lista de archivos, terminos y utilerias usadas:
- /etc/inittab
- shutdown
- init
- /etc/init.d
- telinit
Tema 102: Instalación de Linux y Administración de Paquetes
102.1 Diseñar el esquema de discos duros
Peso | 2 |
Descripcion | Los candidatos deberán de ser capaces de diseñar el esquema de particiones de disco duro para un sistema Linux. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Allocate filesystems and swap space to separate partitions or disks.
- Tailor the design to the intended use of the system.
- Ensure the /boot partition conforms to the hardware architecture requirements for booting.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- / (root) filesystem
- /var filesystem
- /home filesystem
- swap space
- mount points
- partitions
102.2 Instalar un gestor de arranque
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to select, install and configure a boot manager. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Providing alternative boot locations and backup boot options.
- Install and configure a boot loader such as GRUB.
- Interact with the boot loader.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /boot/grub/menu.lst
- grub-install
- superblock
- /etc/lilo.conf
- lilo
102.3 Administrar bibliotecas compartidas
Weight | 1 |
Description | Candidates should be able to determine the shared libraries that executable programs depend on and install them when necessary. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Identify shared libraries.
- Identify the typical locations of system libraries.
- Load shared libraries.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- ldd
- ldconfig
- /etc/ld.so.conf
102.4 Usar el administrador de paquetes Debian
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should be able to perform package management using the Debian package tools. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Install, upgrade and uninstall Debian binary packages.
- Find packages containing specific files or libraries which may or may not be installed.
- Obtain package information like version, content, dependencies, package integrity and installation status (whether or not the package is installed).
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/apt/sources.list
- dpkg
- dpkg-reconfigure
- apt-get
- apt-cache
- aptitude
102.5 Usar el administrador de paquetes RPM y YUM
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should be able to perform package management using RPM and YUM tools. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Install, re-install, upgrade and remove packages using RPM and YUM.
- Obtain information on RPM packages such as version, status, dependencies, integrity and signatures.
- Determine what files a package provides, as well as find which package a specific file comes from.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- rpm
- rpm2cpio
- /etc/yum.conf
- /etc/yum.repos.d/
- yum
- yumdownloader
Tema 103: Comandos GNU y Unix
103.1 Trabajar en la linea de comandos
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to interact with shells and commands using the command line. The objective assumes the bash shell. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Use single shell commands and one line command sequences to perform basic tasks on the command line.
- Use and modify the shell environment including defining, referencing and exporting environment variables.
- Use and edit command history.
- Invoke commands inside and outside the defined path.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- .
- bash
- echo
- env
- exec
- export
- pwd
- set
- unset
- man
- uname
- history
103.2 Procesar flujos de texto usando filtros
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should should be able to apply filters to text streams. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Send text files and output streams through text utility filters to modify the output using standard UNIX commands found in the GNU textutils package.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- cat
- cut
- expand
- fmt
- head
- od
- join
- nl
- paste
- pr
- sed
- sort
- split
- tail
- tr
- unexpand
- uniq
- wc
103.3 Realizar administración de archivos basica
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to use the basic Linux commands to manage files and directories. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Copy, move and remove files and directories individually.
- Copy multiple files and directories recursively.
- Remove files and directories recursively.
- Use simple and advanced wildcard specifications in commands.
- Using find to locate and act on files based on type, size, or time.
- Usage of tar, cpio and dd.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- cp
- find
- mkdir
- mv
- ls
- rm
- rmdir
- touch
- tar
- cpio
- dd
- file
- gzip
- gunzip
- bzip2
- file globbing
103.4 Usar flujos, tuberias y redirecciones
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to redirect streams and connect them in order to efficiently process textual data. Tasks include redirecting standard input, standard output and standard error, piping the output of one command to the input of another command, using the output of one command as arguments to another command and sending output to both stdout and a file. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Redirecting standard input, standard output and standard error.
- Pipe the output of one command to the input of another command.
- Use the output of one command as arguments to another command.
- Send output to both stdout and a file.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- tee
- xargs
103.5 Crear, monitorizar y matar procesos
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to perform basic process management. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Run jobs in the foreground and background.
- Signal a program to continue running after logout.
- Monitor active processes.
- Select and sort processes for display.
- Send signals to processes.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- &
- bg
- fg
- jobs
- kill
- nohup
- ps
- top
- free
- uptime
- killall
103.6 Modificar las prioridades de ejecución de los procesos
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should should be able to manage process execution priorities. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Know the default priority of a job that is created.
- Run a program with higher or lower priority than the default..
- Change the priority of a running process.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- nice
- ps
- renice
- top
103.7 Buscar en archivos de texto usando expresiones regulares
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to manipulate files and text data using regular expressions. This objective includes creating simple regular expressions containing several notational elements. It also includes using regular expression tools to perform searches through a filesystem or file content. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Create simple regular expressions containing several notational elements.
- Use regular expression tools to perform searches through a filesystem or file content.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- grep
- egrep
- fgrep
- sed
- regex(7)
103.8 Realizar operaciones básicas de edición de archivos usando vi
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should be able to edit text files using vi. This objective includes vi navigation, basic vi modes, inserting, editing, deleting, copying and finding text. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Navigate a document using vi.
- Use basic vi modes.
- Insert, edit, delete, copy and find text.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- vi
- /, ?
- h,j,k,l
- i, o, a
- c, d, p, y, dd, yy
- ZZ, :w!, :q!, :e!
Tema 104: Dispositivos, Sistemas de archivos Linux, Estándar de jerarquía del Sistemas de Archivos
104.1 Crear particiones y sistemas de archivos
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to configure disk partitions and then create filesystems on media such as hard disks. This includes the handling of swap partitions. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Use various mkfs commands to set up partitions and create various filesystems such as:
- ext2
- ext3
- xfs
- reiserfs v3
- vfat
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- fdisk
- mkfs
- mkswap
104.2 Mantener la integridad de los sistemas de archivos
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to maintain a standard filesystem, as well as the extra data associated with a journaling filesystem. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Verify the integrity of filesystems.
- Monitor free space and inodes.
- Repair simple filesystem problems.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- du
- df
- fsck
- e2fsck
- mke2fs
- debugfs
- dumpe2fs
- tune2fs
- xfs tools (such as xfs_metadump and xfs_info)
104.3 Controlar el montaje y desmontaje de sistemas de archivos
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should be able to configure the mounting of a filesystem. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Manually mount and unmount filesystems.
- Configure filesystem mounting on bootup.
- Configure user mountable removable filesystems.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/fstab
- /media
- mount
- umount
104.4 Administrar cuotas de disco
Weight | 1 |
Description | Candidates should be able to manage disk quotas for users. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Set up a disk quota for a filesystem.
- Edit, check and generate user quota reports.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- quota
- edquota
- repquota
- quotaon
104.5 Administrar propietarios y permisos de archivos
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should be able to control file access through the proper use of permissions and ownerships. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Manage access permissions on regular and special files as well as directories.
- Use access modes such as suid, sgid and the sticky bit to maintain security.
- Know how to change the file creation mask.
- Use the group field to grant file access to group members.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- chmod
- umask
- chown
- chgrp
104.6 Crear y cambiar enlaces duros y simbolicos
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to create and manage hard and symbolic links to a file. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Create links.
- Identify hard and/or soft links.
- Copying versus linking files.
- Use links to support system administration tasks.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- ln
104.7 Encontrar archivos de sistema y colocar archivos en su correcta ubicación
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be thoroughly familiar with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS), including typical file locations and directory classifications. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Understand the correct locations of files under the FHS.
- Find files and commands on a Linux system.
- Know the location and purpose of important file and directories as defined in the FHS.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- find
- locate
- updatedb
- whereis
- which
- type
- /etc/updatedb.conf
Objetivos: Exámen 102
Tema 105: Shells, Scripts y Administración de datos
105.1 Personalizar y usar el entorno del shell
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to customize shell environments to meet users' needs. Candidates should be able to modify global and user profiles. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Set environment variables (e.g. PATH) at login or when spawning a new shell.
- Write BASH functions for frequently used sequences of commands.
- Maintain skeleton directories for new user accounts.
- Set command search path with the proper directory.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/profile
- env
- export
- set
- unset
- ~/.bash_profile
- ~/.bash_login
- ~/.profile
- ~/.bashrc
- ~/.bash_logout
- function
- alias
- lists
105.2 Escribir o personalizar scripts simples
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to customize existing scripts, or write simple new BASH scripts. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Use standard sh syntax (loops, tests).
- Use command substitution.
- Test return values for success or failure or other information provided by a command.
- Perform conditional mailing to the superuser.
- Correctly select the script interpreter through the shebang (#!) line.
- Manage the location, ownership, execution and suid-rights of scripts.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- for
- while
- test
- if
- read
- seq
105.3 Administración de datos SQL
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to query databases and manipulate data using basic SQL commands. This objective includes performing queries involving joining of 2 tables and/or subselects. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Use of basic SQL commands.
- Perform basic data manipulation.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- insert
- update
- select
- delete
- from
- where
- group by
- order by
- join
Tema 106: Interfaces de Usuario y Escritorios
106.1 Instalar y configurar X11
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to install and configure X11. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Verify that the video card and monitor are supported by an X server.
- Awareness of the X font server.
- Basic understanding and knowledge of the X Window configuration file.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/X11/xorg.conf
- xhost
- xwininfo
- xdpyinfo
- X
106.2 Configurar un administrador de pantalla
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to setup and customize a display manager. This objective covers the display managers XDM (X Display Manger), GDM (Gnome Display Manager) and KDM (KDE Display Manager). |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Turn the display manager on or off.
- Change the display manager greeting.
- Change default color depth for the display manager.
- Configure display managers for use by X-stations.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/inittab
- xdm configuration files
- kdm configuration files
- gdm configuration files
106.3 Accesibilidad
Weight | 1 |
Description | Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of accessibility technologies. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Keyboard Accessibility Settings (AccessX)
- Visual Settings and Themes
- Assistive Technology (ATs)
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- Sticky/Repeat Keys
- Slow/Bounce/Toggle Keys
- Mouse Keys
- High Contrast/Large Print Desktop Themes
- Screen Reader
- Braille Display
- Screen Magnifier
- On-Screen Keyboard
- Gestures (used at login, for example gdm)
- Orca
- emacspeak
Tema 107: Tareas Administrativas
107.1 Administrar cuentas de usuario y grupo y sus sus archivos relacionados
Weight | 5 |
Description | Candidates should be able to add, remove, suspend and change user accounts. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Add, modify and remove users and groups.
- Manage user/group info in password/group databases.
- Create and manage special purpose and limited accounts.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/shadow
- /etc/group
- /etc/skel
- chage
- groupadd
- groupdel
- groupmod
- passwd
- useradd
- userdel
- usermod
107.2 Automátizar tareas de administración del sistema usando trabajos programados
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to use cron or anacron to run jobs at regular intervals and to use at to run jobs at a specific time. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Manage cron and at jobs.
- Configure user access to cron and at services.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/cron.{d,daily,hourly,monthly,weekly}
- /etc/at.deny
- /etc/at.allow
- /etc/crontab
- /etc/cron.allow
- /etc/cron.deny
- /var/spool/cron/*
- crontab
- at
- atq
- atrm
107.3 Localización e Internacionalización
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should be able to localize a system in a different language than English. As well, an understanding of why LANG=C is useful when scripting. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Locale settings.
- Timezone settings.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/timezone
- /etc/localtime
- /usr/share/zoneinfo
- Environment variables:
- LC_*
- /usr/bin/locale
- tzselect
- tzconfig
- date
- iconv
- UTF-8
- ISO-8859
- Unicode
Tema 108: Servicios de Sistema Básicos
108.1 Mantener el reloj/time del sistema
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should be able to properly maintain the system time and synchronize the clock via NTP. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Set the system date and time.
- Set the hardware clock to the correct time in UTC.
- Configure the correct timezone.
- Basic NTP configuration.
- Knowledge of using the pool.ntp.org service
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /usr/share/zoneinfo
- /etc/timezone
- /etc/localtime
- /etc/ntp.conf
- date
- hwclock
- ntpd
- ntpdate
- pool.ntp.org
108.2 Bitacoras del sistema
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to configure the syslog daemon. This objective also includes configuring the logging daemon to send log output to a central log server or accept log output as a central log server. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- syslog configuration files
- syslog
- standard facilities, priorities and actions
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- syslog.conf
- syslogd
- klogd
- logger
108.3 Fundamentos de los Agentes de Transporte de Correo (MTA)
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should be aware of the commonly available MTA programs and be able to perform basic forward and alias configuration on a client host. Other configuration files are not covered. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Create e-mail aliases.
- Configure e-mail forwarding.
- Knowledge of commonly available MTA programs (postfix, sendmail, qmail, exim) (no configuration)
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- ~/.forward
- sendmail emulation layer commands
- newaliases
- mailq
- postfix
- sendmail
- exim
- qmail
108.4 Administración de impresión e impresoras
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to manage print queues and user print jobs using CUPS and the LPD compatibility interface. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Basic CUPS configuration (for local and remote printers).
- Manage user print queues.
- Troubleshoot general printing problems.
- Add and remove jobs from configured printer queues.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- CUPS configuration files, tools and utilities
- /etc/cups
- lpd legacy interface (lpr, lprm, lpq)
Tema 109: Fundamentos de Red
109.1 Fundamentos de los protocolos de Internet
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should demonstrate a proper understanding of TCP/IP network fundamentals. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Demonstrate an understanding network masks.
- Knowledge of the differences between private and public "dotted quad" IP-Addresses.
- Setting a default route.
- Knowledge about common TCP and UDP ports (20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 53, 80, 110, 119, 139, 143, 161, 443, 465, 993, 995).
- Knowledge about the differences and major features of UDP, TCP and ICMP.
- Knowledge of the major differences between IPv4 and IPV6.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/services
- ftp
- telnet
- host
- ping
- dig
- traceroute
- tracepath
109.2 Configuración básica de red
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to view, change and verify configuration settings on client hosts. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Manually and automatically configure network interfaces
- Basic TCP/IP host configuration.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/hostname
- /etc/hosts
- /etc/resolv.conf
- /etc/nsswitch.conf
- ifconfig
- ifup
- ifdown
- route
- ping
109.3 Resolución de problemas básicos de red
Weight | 4 |
Description | Candidates should be able to troubleshoot networking issues on client hosts. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Manually and automatically configure network interfaces and routing tables to include adding, starting, stopping, restarting, deleting or reconfiguring network interfaces.
- Change, view, or configure the routing table and correct an improperly set default route manually.
- Debug problems associated with the network configuration.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- ifconfig
- ifup
- ifdown
- route
- host
- hostname
- dig
- netstat
- ping
- traceroute
109.4 Configuracion DNS en un equipo client
Weight | 2 |
Description | Candidates should be able to configure DNS on a client host. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Demonstrate the use of DNS on the local system.
- Modify the order in which name resolution is done.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/hosts
- /etc/resolv.conf
- /etc/nsswitch.conf
Tema 110: Seguridad
110.1 Realizar tareas de administración de seguridad
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should know how to review system configuration to ensure host security in accordance with local security policies. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Audit a system to find files with the suid/sgid bit set.
- Set or change user passwords and password aging information.
- Being able to use nmap and netstat to discover open ports on a system.
- Set up limits on user logins, processes and memory usage.
- Basic sudo configuration and usage.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- find
- passwd
- lsof
- nmap
- chage
- netstat
- sudo
- /etc/sudoers
- su
- usermod
- ulimit
110.2 Configurar la seguridad del host
Weight | 3 |
Description | Candidates should know how to set up a basic level of host security. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Awareness of shadow passwords and how they work.
- Turn off network services not in use.
- Understand the role of TCP wrappers.
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- /etc/nologin
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/shadow
- /etc/xinetd.d/*
- /etc/xinetd.conf
- /etc/inetd.d/*
- /etc/inetd.conf
- /etc/inittab
- /etc/init.d/*
- /etc/hosts.allow
- /etc/hosts.deny
110.3 Asegurando datos mediante cifrado
Weight | 3 |
Description | The candidate should be able to use public key techniques to secure data and communication. |
Key Knowledge Areas:
- Perform basic OpenSSH 2 client configuration and usage.
- Understand the role of OpenSSH 2 server host keys
- Perform basic GnuPG configuration and usage.
- Understand SSH port tunnels (including X11 tunnels).
The following is a partial list of the used files, terms and utilities:
- ssh
- ssh-keygen
- ssh-agent
- ssh-add
- ~/.ssh/id_rsa and id_rsa.pub
- ~/.ssh/id_dsa and id_dsa.pub
- /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key and ssh_host_rsa_key.pub
- /etc/ssh/ssh_host_dsa_key and ssh_host_dsa_key.pub
- ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
- /etc/ssh_known_hosts
- gpg
- ~/.gnupg/*